I haven’t written a blog lately and the reason is life got tough, like really tough and I had to retreat, do some processing of my emotions and some serious self-love and self-care.

When my situation happened I stuck down my heels and became really stubborn because I was full of fear for the future. See I had an expectation of how my life would turn out and to have that fall away was heartbreaking but I learned that we can make all the plans we want to in life but we then have to LET GO of the outcome.

I haven’t been doing that for the past six months, my tendency has been to hold on tight and try and control the situation, even though I know I can only control me, my thoughts, my emotions, my feelings and my actions. I forgot for a minute that I cannot control anyone else nor should I try.

Until one day a friend said to me “ you’ve got to love your mental health first” and something just clicked into place. I had never heard it put that way before and she was right, I was putting everything but my mental health as a priority.

I mean I work with my clients to help them do just that, put themselves first and her I was not doing the same for me. I felt like such a fraud and so I hid but then I realized that I am human and if by me being vulnerable and sharing my story I can help just one person then I had to to share it.

So often we think we have to solve our problems alone and we are too scared, too proud, too stubborn, too busy to ask for help from the people around us who care, or even the people around us that we don’t know.

Why do we do this? For fear of looking stupid, feeling vulnerable, wanting to control everything around. Well sod that, one of my biggest lessons this year is to have a great SUPPORT NETWORK around me at all times.

I have consciously built and continue to build my network around love, career, health and finances and make sure I have someone to support me in each of these areas.

  • I have a business coach to help me build my business
  • I have a mindset coach so I can work through all my “stuff”
  • I have a family who loves me and wants the best for me
  • I have great friends for emotional support
  • I have two mastermind sisters who keep me accountable
  • I have a naturopathic doctor to help me with my health
  • I have a business network of incredible ladies who inspire and encourage me on in my business
  • I have books that I read on finance and managing my money.

I know I am SUPPORTED because I have taken a step back and taken time to acknowledge it. Something wonderful happens when you do this…… more of it comes into your life

So ladies, think about the areas above and figure out if you have the support you need, and if you don’t then go out and find it. If you get stuck or need some support then I am here and I would love to help.

Let’s have a chat and put your support network into place.

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Jax Stewart