So if we know that our desires are created twice, once in our mind and once in our reality why not take it one step further and take what we have created/imagined in our minds and really build that image up to its biggest, brightest, boldest form possible.  

There are many ways to do this and you should try a few different ones to see which way works for you.

Here are a few I have tried and I’ve now settled on one particular way as it’s fun, easy to do and allows me to create the highest possible vision for myself and very easily remind myself of it every single day.   First off what is visualisation? Whole explains it beautifully here 

I particularly like the term Visual Mental Rehearsal (VMR) and in NLP they teach us to not only see the outcome happening but to also hear what is around us and feel the feelings associated with the outcome.

There are many ways to do this and here are a few ways I do it.  

1. Creating the pictures in my head along with the feelings, smells, sounds etc.  

2. One year I wrote out each one of my desires on individual post it notes, folded them up and put them in a jar. Each morning I would randomly pick a few out and spend time on step visualising them happening.  

3. Each year for the past four, I have created a physical vision board and put together my desires from magazines and sayings and affirmations that I wanted to embody that year. It sits above my desk so I see it every day.  

4. For the past few years I have also incorporated an online vision board using Pinterest and this is by far my absolute favourite way to visualise what I want to attract into my life. It is so effective that I was looking back at my 2018 board earlier this month and felt like I had been gut punched as I hadn’t even realised that so much of what was on the board had happened.

That is when I knew I wanted to accelerate my use of this particular tool. It is so easy and so fun to do. Take all your desires that we talked about in my last blog and use then to find pictures that represent what you desire.   Remember it doesn’t just have to be physical things, I have feelings on mine, quotes, affirmations and things to remind me where I want to be at the end of the year. For example completion is a biggie for me. I have such a hard time saying goodbye and letting go of relationships that in the centre of my board is a beautiful image that reminds me to bring things to completion.  

Each morning I make myself a coffee, jump back into bed and spend 15 minutes really taking in all of the images on my board. I look at each one in turn and not only does it bring me a sense of peace and joy but it also sets me up for a great day because I am flooding my brain with positive mental images and words.   Now you may say Jax, I don’t have time to do that and I say back to you that you are the most important person in your life, if you can’t create 15 minutes a day for yourself subconsciously you are giving yourself the message that you are not important enough. Carve out that time even if you have to spend 5 minutes extra in the bathroom 🙂 or use the time you have while commuting.  

And always remember lovely –      It’s this or something better.            

I’d love to know how you get on creating your vision boards and even better I’d love to see them so if you feel brave enough hit reply and share yours with me.   Here’s to you getting everything you desire in 2019 and beyond.

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